About Research Interested students are given several opportunities for a fruitful Ms and Ph.D. program. A common denominator for the research topics is that the numerical approach is based on rigorous mathematical analysis of the approximation schemes (well-posedness, stability, convergence, etc.) and on the numerical validation of the theoretical results. Research Topics Approximation of eigenvalue problems arising from partial differential equations Eigenvalue problems arising from partial differential equations model several interesting phenomena. Surprisingly enough, the eigenvalue problem in mixed form
Numerical Methods for PDEs Research Group Front Page Professor Daniele Boffi leads the so-called NUMPDE research group, which stands for Numerical Methods for PDEs Research group areas of expertise and current scientific interests: mixed finite elements, partial differential equations, virtual elements method A common denominator for the research topics is that the numerical approach is based on rigorous mathematical analysis of the approximation schemes (well-posedness, stability, convergence, etc.) and on the numerical validation of the theoretical results. Among the many research topics, the NumPDE group is interested in are: Approximation of
NumPDE Activities Activities in KAUST Daniele Boffi was local organizer of the 28 International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods (DD28) held in KAUST on January 28 - February 1, 2024. https://dd28.kaust.edu.sa/ NumPDE hosted the KAUST Applied Mathematics School. November 27 – December 2, 2022. January 8 – 13, 2023. Linda Alzaben speaker at KAUST Academic Convocation, 2022 Conferences, workshops and schools 2024 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM). Vancouver, Canada. July 22 - 26, 2024. Daniele Boffi, keynote speaker in minisymposium 9th European Congress of Mathematics (ECM 2024)